Thursday, June 2, 2011


(The main course is yet to come.)

Dear KL,

I want to formally complain this group of students for their learning attitudes, basically lack of interest and motivation in this SSM project that they chose it by themselves. I have informally complained this to our secretary after the first two meeting with these students.

Furthermore, as I tried to illustrate today on my desktop computer how to do a better clinical research form / data sheet using Excel file sheet from previous year's students' work, one of the lady students actually used her i-Phone to take picture in secrets and the other students were giggling. I have told them sternly that first, there was no need to do this. If they wanted it, I could give it to them and let them copy. There was no need to do this in secret. Second, their attitude of learning is questionable, giggling and childish. The public has expected future doctors highly with some pre-defined standards. It does not seem to me that they are medical students at their end of Third Year. Others third-year students from other Faculties are already looking for jobs before their final examinations.

I am actually worried that I will be treated by these doctors-will-be when I am retired and old, though I have tried my best to teach.

Sincerely, GY.


(The above emails were carbon-copied to a few of us. My friend Warren was the first to respond.)

Thanks GY for your sharing.

I am a disciple of market force and I trust that there will be a better knocked-out mechanism if market force sets in (though not yet for the time being).


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