Sunday, June 12, 2011


(A story that I probably hallucinated from Milan Kundera.)

During a meeting in a top university of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the Vice Chancellor sighed, "We need more physicist graduates - our country needs to build up its nuclear power."

"We're working on that," the Discipline Master nodded.

"But, look at the result of that written paper from our final year students," the old academic was not at ease, "Most students scored zero - and that's a very important question !"

"Oh, I don't know that bit. What's the question?" The stern academic was obviously surprised.

"What are the definitions of Marxism, communism, and socialism ..." The former murmured.

"Oh ... ah ... eh ..." The latter could not speak - he had a jaw dislocation.

"I think that's serious. In fact, I invited the Party Representative today to join our meeting." The Vice Chancellor continued.

The door opened; in come a young man with a poker face.

(To be continued.)

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