Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Met WC in the wedding banquet of MT.

I did not meet our previous consultant cardiologist for quite some months – and he certainly had not changed.

“You know, it is really eye-opening to see H running for the Chief Executive Election Subcommittee election.” He said. (H used to be an academic staff over the other side of the harbour, but resigned and joined the private market a few years ago. He is a specialist of treating celebrities and wealthy women – or, as it later turns out, so we used to think.)

“To be honest, I could not make head or tail of his move.” I remarked, “I suppose he is not so naïve to believe he has enough friends to vote for him?”

“Lack of insight is a necessary criteria of personality disorder,” WC murmured, “But that’s beyond the point. I’m sure he has achieved his primary aim.”

“Which is…?” I was curious.

“He has gained legal permission to put up posters and banners in almost everywhere in the city,” my friend went on to explain, “I could even find his picture and summary of qualifications in the lobby of some public housing estates! Although hardly anyone living in those places are eligible to vote for him, what could make a better advertisement?”

I finally saw what my friend was getting at. Just like many items in our stock market over the past one year, cheap things could always become even cheaper.

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