Thursday, December 1, 2011


(I remained silent for a while in order to digest what my friend just said.)

"You look puzzled." L said.

"Eh... I mean, your discussion seems to be leading to somewhere. But, what are you trying to get at?" I asked.

"Alas, you see that finally," my friend smiled again, "Very simple, contrary to what those so-called pioneers of democracy declare, the system of our CE election could actually be entirely satisfactory without much modification of the present system. All we need to do are to minimize the time between the Election Committee Subsector Election and the actual CE election, and to have all candidates running for the Election Committee declaring which side they are going to vote for."

"Em... Isn't it how the Americans choose their president?" I asked.

"Exactly," my friend nodded.

"But, that's not entirely democratic; it is not one man, one vote!" I exclaimed.

"No, but, you know me well enough. I am a fan of George Orwell. All animals are equal!"

I could not help nodding.

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