Wednesday, December 14, 2011


(The comment of JW followed  two hours later.)

Dear VW,

The lack of interest among youngsters is multi-factorial. In my student days, the academic staff is really more negligent to clinical and teaching duties but we are not deterred from doing research. Amongst various causes, the most important one is lack of peer-group interest / pressure. When I was a MO, we have numerous HPT role models. (Szeto's note: HPT stands for higher physician trainee.) Can you name any now?

Of course, this loss of peer-group force is again multi-factorial.



PS. I must say the three of us have very different worries: VW was hot about the behaviour of young academic staff (a stage which I suddenly realize my friend has long passed), JW focused on the foreseeable shortage of clinical researchers,while I put my attention on the widening gap between clinical and laboratory medicine.

And, there's no absolute right or wrong.

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