Tuesday, December 27, 2011


You may wonder there might have been a lot of MSG in my food - just that I did not notice.

Well, I consider that quite impossible, because I am actually very sensitive to MSG.

No, I do not have flushing or headache or whatever with it - except an intolerable sense of thirst. In fact, as a traditional Chinese, I am quite accustomed to, and do enjoy, salty food. (Not a nice declaration by a nephrologist, I know.) I could finish with a good serve of salted fish (鹹魚) or pickled tofu (腐乳) without drinking any water.

But, when it comes to MSG, the need of something to drink is irresistible. In fact, I used to tell a distinguished English professor of nephrology that we have glutamate receptors in the thirst center of our brain, and it explains everything.

That's a hoax, of course.

PS. Human brain does have glutamate receptors, but they are found in the learning and memory centers.

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