Tuesday, December 20, 2011


That very Saturday proved to be an exceptionally busy one. By noon, once I finished with my presentation in the advisory board meeting and answered a few questions, I had to rush back to the Chung Chi Chapel and joined my wife. It was the wedding ceremony of my little friend MT, who, for reasons that I never understood, asked Euterpe to be one of her flower girls.

Everything in the ceremony went as planned, and Euterpe was overjoyed to make acquaintance of some new friends. The only set back was my daughter and I had to leave before we could take some photo with the bride – It was the music class examination of Euterpe that afternoon.

And, by the time I found myself in a local fast-food store and had the chance of examining a bowel of suspicious semi-solid labelled with much imagination as wonton noodle, it was nearly sunset.

All of a sudden, the famous teaching of Zhu Bo Lu (朱柏廬):


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