Tuesday, January 17, 2012


While I was thinking about the problem of black and white, a little story that I heard some time ago flashed through my mind.

Here you go:


The headmaster of a primary school in a small village put up a new rule: All teachers must dress in no more than two colors – socks and ties and mittens and everything included.

On the next morning, a young teacher was stopped by the headmaster as soon as the former appeared at the entrance of the school. Her blouse was white, her skirt was black, and she was wearing a red scarf.

“Hey there! Are you aware of our new dressing code?” The headmaster was obviously not happy.

“Yes, sir. What’s wrong?” The young woman sounded innocent.

“In that case, why do you dress in three colors?”

“Oh, no, sir. There are only two colors,” the teacher explained, “I have a red scarf; my blouse and my skirt are actually in one colour – they are just different shades of gray.”

I don’t think I have to explain in which country this incident happened.

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