Wednesday, January 4, 2012


It doesn’t need a expert of detective fiction to tell the Professor Moriarty under Guy Ritchie is a laughable idiot.

First, a real Napoleon is always an  expert in psychology and, if he prefers to do away with the Duke of Wellington, he could certainly identify a suitable person and infuse that idea into that whoever’s brain. (This idea is long in the tooth, from Agatha Christie’s Curtain to Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of Lambs.) To be a master of crime, one does not have to – and, in fact, should not – soil his own hands.

But, there is a more fatal flaw: Would any sane person believe he could make big money by becoming a firearm supplier and then induces wars? Seriously, it may not only not making big money, it may not make any money at all – the government may nationalize your business.

Then, what’s the best way of making big money?

Go ask Lü Buwei (呂不韋).

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