Wednesday, May 23, 2012


If you think the scenario I put up yesterday simple, consider this one:

There are yet two common suggestions on how we should improve the current system of clinical examination.
  1. It should resemble real life clinical practice.
  2. It should resemble the membership examination of our College.
Until very recently, my opinion is the above two suggestions are mutually exclusive, because they are, once again, an unfortunate irony. My argument is simple: The membership examination of our College is highly artificial and has very little to do with real life clinical practice.

Alas, my argument was correct (even the College agrees on the problem) - but, my logic of deduction was wrong.

Where's the problem?

The loophole of my logic is: We do not live in a one-dimension world. Although the two suggestions are far away from, and contradictory to, each other, it is possible to improve the system of clinical examination and make it both more close to real life practice as well as more akin to membership examination - as long as the current system is far away from both.

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