Tuesday, May 8, 2012


(Meeting between the army general and the cabinet secretary.)

“Our military system is collapsing. Within a few years our army would not be able to defend our country,” the seasoned soldier said.

“I know,” the senior civil servant did not seem surprised, “We do not have enough soldiers and our friends from the Council do not give a green light for employing recruits from overseas. But, don’t worry. Our military school will have a lot more graduates a few years later.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. To say the least, that’s only part of the problem. My real worry is, although we may have many military graduate in the future, our frontline soldiers will have no intention to fight because they do not have to – as long as they would automatically be promoted to colonel in five years.” The General was certainly agitated.

“Why!?” The cabinet secretary did appear surprised this time. After all, he was one of the officials who designed this system. “I suppose a better prospect of promotion would help to keep people from leaving the army?”

(To be continued.)

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