Monday, May 28, 2012


Shortly after the final MB examination, I had another chance to visit Euterpe's kindergarten and do some voluntary work.

It was a rainy day and I arrived slightly early. The school had not yet started. A few dozens of kindergarten girls and their parents were gathering outside the entrance and waiting. I naturally stood aside and pretended to be a piece of wallpaper.

It took probably no more than 10 minutes before we could get in, but we seemed to be waiting forever. The sky was as gloomy as it was apocalypse. There was a small eaves outside the school and, to my amazement, most of the girls were gathering without much noise. A few late comers were grouping themselves in four or five  and shared their umbrellas. When there were more and more people and some began to grumble, a few obviously more senior girls decided to keep the order of the crowd and led the others to sing hymns.

Somehow, a scene in Casablanca, in which Victor Laszlo led the people in Rick's Cafe to sing La Marseillaise, flashed through my mind.

PS. It is not book knowledge. I have no doubt these girls have the best-of-ever form of education.

1 comment:

JW said...

Thank God for giving this learning opportunity of social intelligence to these young girls, which cannot be controlled by the parents and schools.