Monday, May 21, 2012


Shortly after I told some stories in Euterpe's kindergarten, we held the final examination for our own students.

I shall not elaborate on the details. The running was as a rule seamless under the meticulous effort of VW, TL and BK. As what VW did (see, maybe I should just share with you a few humerus moments:

(After feeling the pulse and listening to the heart of a patient.)
Examiner: What have you found?
Student: The pulse rate is slow; it is 40 per minute.
Examiner: Are you sure?
Student: Em... no. The pulse rate is 60 per minute.

(After reading an ECG.)
Examiner: Can you comment on the ECG?
Student: The heart rate is between 60 to 100.

(During the discussion of a scenario of recurrent bleeding from a peptic ulcer.)
Examiner: What else could you do if the bleeding could not be stopped?
Student: Er....
Examiner: Would you consider calling the surgeon?
Student: I don't think surgeons could help...
Examiner: Do you know who is in-charge of the endoscopy service in our hospital?

(For those who are not working in my hospital, the person in-charge is one of our professors of surgery.)

1 comment:

TW said...

Can't help from laughing out loud if I were there.