Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Quite a few of the banks announced excellent profit to be expected in their coming mid-term report.

Good news as it appears to be, two questions come to my mind:

1. Why is it announced ?
2. Is it true ?

By "why", I mean "why now". That's easy: because of the game.

It is the second question that troubles me. Where is the profit coming from ? With a shrinking loan market (the deposit reserve ratio has been drastically raised in the past one year), limited contribution from service charge, and an (appears to be) ever-falling stock market, how did they make the money ?

Yes, we are talking about the earning some months ago, when the climate was not as bad.

But that's the worrying bit. Why publicising the good news when one expect it would not sustain (or worse, it is not there) ? Does it mean the political drive does not only facilitate the announcement ?

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