Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I must admit I have a passion of making use of leftovers.

Some years ago I paid a visit to Toronto. In one evening I dined alone in a Japanese restaurant. After several days of bread and cheese, I ordered the neck of king mackerel (鯖魚), fried in saute (塩焼き). The dish was superb, and I enjoyed quite a while by dissecting the gigantic opercle and related structures with my chopsticks.

To my surprise, the owner of the restaurant appeared towards the end of my dinner, and greeted me in great enthusiasm.

"This is the most delicious part of the fish - but hardly any one here would order it !" So I was told.

"And, looking at the bones on the table, you do appreciate it." The owner added.

PS. Fortunately the lighting of that restaurant was not good, for my face was slightly red. I ordered the fish largely because it was nearly the cheapest thing on the menu !

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