Saturday, July 5, 2008


"People often overestimate what will happen in the next two years, and underestimate what will happen in the next ten."

Since Vivian stayed in Osaka, I realize how true it is more than ever.

I still remember during the days of my primary school, we received telegrams from relatives overseas. Naturally, roaming through mobile phone amazed me so much by the time I was in Bristol for overseas training ten years ago. Why, it is really warm to talk to your friend in Hong Kong while you are walking alone in the street of Southmead or boarding a train in Paddington.

Now I can talk with Vivian via phone or Skype, chat with her by Microsoft Messenger or Facebook, and even see her face through MSN or 3G.

Li Shanyan [李商隱] used to say:

nowadays who has the leisure to employ the long-neck bird to send a message ?

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