Sunday, July 6, 2008


Ironically Vivian and I talk to each other more often after she's in Osaka - there is a short while every evening that both of us drop all things at hand and enjoy the conversation over phone. It is a precious moment to be treasured.

The same thing happened when I was in Bristol. Neither before nor after that peaceful year did I have a weekly intimate chat with my mother and sister - each for half an hour. Yes, long-distance is expensive, but absolutely worthwhile. (It costed me nearly HK$4000 each month, and I am sure I became a life-time VIP of Hutchison !)

As a bonus of these costly conversations, I learn the very fact that maintanence of a close relation hinges on having some dedicated time to talk regularly to the one you feel important.

Maybe as what Zhuangzi (莊子) said: 相濡以沬.

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