Thursday, December 25, 2008


Briefly watched Love Actually again on TV - I had the whole movie some years ago when it's on the theater.

The whole of my memory with this comedy was the short speech of the Prime Minister, made during the US President came to visit 10 Downing Street and harassed Hugh Grant's secretary:

I love that word "relationship". Covers all manner of sins, doesn't it? I fear that this has become a bad relationship. A relationship based on the President taking exactly what he wants and casually ignoring all those things that really matter to, erm... Britain. We may be a small country but we're a great one, too. The country of Shakespeare, Churchill, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter. David Beckham's right foot. David Beckham's left foot, come to that. And a friend who bullies us is no longer a friend. And since bullies only respond to strength, from now onward, I will be prepared to be much stronger. And the President should be prepared for that.

Yes, we may be a small country, but we're a great one, too. A people - be they small or large - who could appreciate the meaning of this little declaration would have hope.

Merry Christmas.

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