Monday, December 8, 2008


Went for (yet another !) kindergarten interview on a Saturday afternoon.

It was somewhere in Kowloon Tong. Our scheduled time was 4:45 PM; (after preparatory work of nearly the whole afternoon) we arrived at 4:15 PM. To our surprise, there were no less than 80 people lining up outside the gate - waiting to be interviewed.

Don't get me wrong. The kindergarten was open - just that the whole of its garden and classrooms and corridors and every gap between the furniture were fully filled with anxious parents and suspicious-looking children. I had a gut feeling that this kind of place is not meant to be squeeze in by vertebrates.

"Should we back off ?" I asked myself.

Before I could figure out an answer, a familiar voice drew my attention, "Hi Szeto ! Nice to see you here !"

I took some time to recognize it came from the middle of the line. She was LC - my university classmate who I did not meet for at least 10 years.

"And you come for the interview as well ? What's the time for you ?" She knew just too well I have expressive dysphasia, and tried to ask a simple question.

"4:45 PM; and you ?"

"I'm 4:30 PM. You should be on the other line." She pointed to another queue.

I suddenly realized it didn't look good to quit in front of an old friend.

With that, I joined the line and waited to meet my fate.

1 comment:

Edmond Chow said...

It will be the 4th Illinois Governor get to be put in jail if Gov. Blagojevich get convicted. We were discussing that the temptation of power would lead to corruption. With so much power in Kindergarten, Hong Kong ICCA may need to take a look there.