Tuesday, December 2, 2008


You may think my grumble yesterday irrelevant. Let me give you a story that KM told me just recently.

Well, our great teacher was involved in a crash course organized by certain super-physicians. Before he did the teaching, he - like tens of the other teachers - received a standard textbook (written by creatures of some other genus) some weeks ago and was asked to go through the details carefully.

My friend duly complied.

And, as Winston Churchill said, it was the end of the beginning.

A few days before the actual teaching, he got a slightly threatening email from one of those lovely creatures, reminding him that although my friend might not absolutely agree with everything of the book - which of course was the case because some details do not conform to the ordinary practice of genuine physicians who treat Homo sapiens - he must and must only follow what's written on the book and should never inject any personal opinion - in order not to confuse our students.

I think they should actually teach by tape recorder or DVD ...

... or, if it happens that our students are literate, just leave them with the book !

PS. Some of our non-primate friends are so eager to share their knowledge but, as Hercule Poirot said: they could never learn new things.

1 comment:

K said...

Puahaha.a.. oh dear.. I never imagined that was the result of our feedback.
I'm not sure that evening out excellent teaching with bad and mediocre sounds like a good idea.h