Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Went to the USA Consulate Office to renew my visa - I will have a conference there in October and my original visa has expired.

It has been ten years since I was last here. While I had to line up at the Garden Road for an hour in the last millennium, I could (oh, in fact I have to) make an appointment on line in advance. There were a whole list of funny question on the web to fill in, and the only thing remained unchanged was the question on whether the applicant know how to make a bomb. (There seems no follow up question now if you reply yes; I hear that, ten years ago, the next question was: Do you know how to teach the others to make a bomb ?)

I was slightly early for my appointment, but the officers there were immensely efficient. The security check was impeccable as ever. I was thoroughly searched and had to hand in my mobile phone before I entered the building.

The whole process took merely 15 or 20 minutes. When I was back to the security gate and claimed the return of my mobile phone, they gave me a small souvenir in addition: my finger disc.

They sneaked it from my bag - without I noticing it - during the search !

PS. For those who are interested in the chemistry of explosives, go read Wolf SJ, et al. Lancet 2009; 374: 405-415.

1 comment:

JW said...

Did you keep this Lancet paper in your finger disc?