Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I decided to change a topic, "Talking about resignation, what do you think of the resignation of that 16 doctors ?"

"That's a good show - of both sides." The secretary was brief.

"What do you mean ?"

"Do you remember what happened ? One side threatened to terminate the contract of anyone who does not agree to cut the salary. All 16 of the other side resigned. The boss appeared and apologize sincerely - the threat was much too aggressive. Back came the gang of 16 - they felt satisfied with the apology and would therefore agree to the original proposal."

"Thanks for summarizing the case. But what's the point ?"

"The point is: The original proposal does get through without amendment, and that 16 doctors appeared to have done something to fulfill their role as representatives !"

"Oh ..." my mouth was wide open. "The tactic sounds familiar. Where did I hear of it ?"

"Couldn't you remember the Principle of Repairing a Broken Wok (補鑊法) ? Go and read Li Zong Wu (李宗吾) !"

PS. I have no idea whether the event was a careful planning of one side or both, or it was merely a convenient coincidence. As I emphasized again and again, it is usually difficult to distinguish an ingenious crook from a complete idiot.

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