Friday, September 18, 2009


Another ingenious suggestion that received a hot discussion in the curriculum day was: Should we put up some kind of psychological test during admission, in order to screen for those candidates who are suitable of studying medicine ?

"An one-off screening test does not exclude the possibility of subsequent development of psychiatric disorders ..." LS was the first to come out and object.

"No, no ..." someone else explained, "We mean kind of a psychological test so that we could assure all candidates have a personality suitable of becoming a doctor."

TC raised his hand, "There's no evidence of such screening test. The Australian experience ..."

I could not recall the further detail of discussion. My mind was driven to something else -

I looked around and considered the character of each and everyone in the auditorium. (Fortunately or unfortunately, I know most of them.) Are they similar in any aspect ?

And I begin to imagine having surgeons, psychiatrists, and pathologists with a similar personality.

What a horror !

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