Sunday, September 6, 2009


Another thing that I did during the short holiday was paying a visit to the urn of my father.

Before we set off, my mother, Vivian and I discussed what to bring for the deceased. Besides a full set of traditional paper work for incineration, my mother had made ready of some rice, fruit, and some roasted duck - all favorites of my father.

"Shall we bring some mooncake ?" my wife suggested.

"Why ?" my mother exclaimed, "What an idea ! I have never thought of it !"

"So, did my half father like mookcake ?" Vivian

"He loved anything that is round and sweet ..." I could not stop smiling.


It was in fact a long time from the mid Autumn festival, but my wife managed to buy two good pieces of that special dessert from a small shop.

We arrived in a hot summer weekday afternoon, and the place was exceptionally quiet. In no time, the three of us displayed all the food on the table; I had a deja vu feeling of having a picnic - just that the place was a bit smoky.

While my mother took the chance to visit a few other urns nearby (alas, one would know at least a few by her age), my wife and I enjoyed a peaceful moment of burning the paper work.

On our way home, my mother remarked, "This is the first time in 20 years that he has some mooncake. He must be very happy."

"So are you too !" I said to myself.

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