Monday, September 7, 2009


Humphrey Appleby visited the city recently. I was so happy and took the chance to be Bernard Woolley for a moment.

"Do you find the ex-colony interesting ?" I asked.

"Very. It's not the place, but the characters." He remarked.

"Such as ... ?"

"Let's see ... For example, what do you make out of CY ?"

"He's running for the next CE. So what ?"

"Oh, nothing. Just that he is too keen to deny being a member of the Communist Party."

"I suppose the reason is obvious enough ?" I was slightly incredulous.

"It is, but it doesn't mean that the reason - or tactic - is right. If he is a member, he should come out and say so; there's nothing to be ashamed of. The party is the one now ruling the biggest country in the world and it is a honor to be a member. In fact, if he does become the CE, the membership would give much convenience in the work."

"Yes, because he is one of them, and there's no need to guess if they agree to any particular policy - nor to look upon the face of some secondary administrative center in Sai Wan. But what if he is really not a member ?"

"Why ? He should come out and say it is a pity that he is not - but he would like to join !"

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