Tuesday, October 27, 2009


A hot topic during our lunch time discussion recently was the story of that young lady doctor and her fiance lawyer.

(For those who are not familiar with this topic, I am talking about the couple who expressed their difficulty in buying their own flat.)

The opinion amongst my friends is divided. Some are very sympathetic and could not agree more (a succinct summary of the argument could be found at http://doctorfat.wordpress.com/請特首回答我/); others are more skeptical and put it down to the unrealistic expectation of the couple (as mentioned in an article quoted by my friend TW; see http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/cal-culator/article?mid=81).

You may ask: What's my opinion ?

My immediate response would be: I don't think I need to have an opinion on this matter.

PS. Seriously, I agree with both sides. The former does point out an important social problem that we face, while, ironically, the later should be the attitude we treat ourselves in response to the problem.

1 comment:

JW said...

We'd better organize a talk on HK property market to calm them down.