Thursday, October 1, 2009


Confucius said: at sixty my ear was obedient (六十而耳順).

That is, of course, not an entirely satisfactory translation. In fact, our great teacher never meant to advise listening to opinions that comfort your ears. Most of the authorities considered the description by Kong Qiu (孔丘) about his ear means having an open mind and listening to the voice and opinion from every angle.

After all, how often could a dynasty celebrate the 60th birthday ?

Not many.

Therefore, come, put up courage and have confidence to yourself. Let them say whatever they want.

You could at least follow some of our senior officials: We accept the complaint, but we shall continue with what we are doing (投訴接受,做法照舊).

PS. You may ask: What could one make out of the date ?

十一六十, 土有一點未平也.

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