Friday, October 30, 2009


You think my story point to a certain direction ? Hold on; you do not notice - something is missing.

The husband of the sister died just a few years before the couple could retire.

Yes, the sister became a well-to-do widow - but a widow all the same.

She will no longer watch a movie or dine with her loved one, although she could afford all these now. Alas, she never had, and will never have, a chance to travel with her husband and see the world. Believe it or not, she has never visited Lane Crawford; all her knowledge about Harrods came from some fragmented stories told by her husband. (In fact, she has joint pain here and there, so that nowadays she won't even agree paying a visit to the local theme park.)

True, she should have done all these when she was young ...

... but the price to pay is she may have to count every penny and worry about her living at the age of 70.

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