Thursday, October 29, 2009



The sister married an industrious workman. The couple had a chance to apply for government housing, but they decided to buy their own flat.

It was in the early 1970s. Although things were very cheap (by today's standard), they could only afford an apartment of around 400 square feet in an, at that time, suburban area. It cost $30000. (Just for reference, the salary of an ordinary policeman was $1000 at that time.)

They made $10000, which was all their savings, as the down-payment, and used much of their salary to pay the mortgage. (In fact, the husband had to paint the house and make many of the furniture himself - they had no savings left.)

The difficult time lasted a few years. The mother had to do some outsource work at home for local factories. When their son was nine, the mother got a part-time job - the son became responsible for preparing lunch. The couple finished with the mortgage in a few years, and continued to make more savings.

The years passed and they continued to live in their little place, until the flat was eventually sold in early 2000s - at $650000.

Together with her savings and all the others, the sister actually retired very comfortably off.

1 comment:

JW said...

I interpret this story as: Never retire unless you have OWNED an asset made of bricks.