Sunday, March 28, 2010


The heat on $20 per hour seems to have settled a bit.

I shall not discuss how much a minimum wage is suitable. (You may also use adjectives like appropriate, acceptable, desirable, adequate, or mutually agreeable. The catch is: the adjective you choose would inevitably affect the number you come up with.) The debate is, in itself, phenomenon and should really serve as a teaching case for any university course on administration or political science - because it is the typical loss-loss situation for the government.

You see the point here ? If our Mr. Tsang is King Louis XVI (what a metaphor !), let's see the two sides of the argument:
  • The right wing believes that legislation to set up a minimum wage would rock the ship of free economy so much that it will get wrecked.
  • The left wing argues that legislation in the present format, would not truly protect the low income group - either the wage would be set at too low a level, or the rich employer would use every trick to get around the law.
In traditional Chinese saying, it is Zhu Bajie looks into the mirror (豬八戒照鏡 - 兩面不是人).

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