Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I read with admiration the investigation report on the incidents of taxi stalling by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department.

It was, to say the least, a nice demonstration of scientific principles and logical thinking. As stated by the EMSD report, there is no evidence to support that the quality of LPG was the cause of stalling of some taxies after filling LPG in Sinopec stations in early January.

Yes, the company had not followed its terminal operational procedures on eight occasions when conducting water draining operation, and there could be excessive water or other impurities in the gas - but one could not prove a causal link. (For that reason, neither could we prove the world we are living exists, rather than being merely a vivid dream of us - as suggested by Zhuangzi [莊子] or René Descartes.)

To go one step further, as pointed out by our EMSD experts, the draining operation - which takes 4 hours at least - is not necessary for the gas quality. The time is wasted, and it actually poses a risk because large amount of inflammable gas is stored.

EMSD should therefore ban Sinopec from doing the draining operation in the future.

Isn't that logical ?

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