Monday, March 8, 2010


A few days ago, I received a copy of the latest issue of Nature - it was mailed to my office.

I picked up the post-label from the rubbish bin. It was my name alright. I turned myself to search through the plastic cover and check if there's any insert, but none indicated that the thing at my hand was a complimentary issue. There was, on the contrary, a letter thanking me for the subscription.

I was slightly incredulous. Although I subscribed Nature Medicine for some years, I never imagine myself ordering its mother journal. On a second thought, I must have mistaken an invitation of subscribing the mother as the renewal notice of the son that I made friend with for some time.

It must be dementia.

I sighed, and began thumbing through the volume. The articles were, thank god, not entirely written in alien language, and I actually find a few of them rather interesting.

That's good enough.

And I decided to go ahead with what's been fixed.

PS. I never consider myself a scientist, and my reading of Nature Medicine was for a somewhat pragmatic reason. My estimation was, if I find one useful article in a year, the money is well spent.

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