Tuesday, March 30, 2010


You probably think I was not in my right mind for having the suggestion that I put up yesterday.

Seriously, I have the same feeling, although I could not easily find where I was wrong.

One may suggest the salary that we are now giving to our overseas maid does not support a family of four in Hong Kong.

Alas, if you follow that argument, the minimum is easily determined: It should be the amount of money that a family of four could obtain if they apply for the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) - which is obviously sufficient to sustain a subsistence (however miserable it is).

Well, you may add a certain percentage to that yardstick amount. That's a minor point.

PS. You may think it is not appropriate to compare the minimum wage to CSSA. When you consider the effect of having a minimum wage, there is, inevitably, a substantial impact of having CSSA as the alternative of being employed.

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