Saturday, March 27, 2010


Stayed up late in the night with Vivian to finish with some homework of Euterpe.

(Yes, homework for a pre-nursery kid !)

It was a paper craft of Easter egg with a little chick inside. Our task was to cut out all the parts from a big sheet of paper and stick them together. (To be fair to the kindergarten, Vivian chose this amazingly difficult item.) Because many of the pieces were rather small and delicate, I had to use double-sided adhesive tape rather than a simple glue stick.

When we were almost done, my wife said, "You're really meticulous with all these bits and pieces. Have you ever thought of becoming a surgeon ?"

"Yes, of course, I have thought of it," I remarked, "But I gave up that idea immediately because I have some hand tremor. Furthermore, I soon came to realize that the market value of a surgeon declines quickly once he gets old, while that of a physician continues to increase with age. And, above all, a second or third call surgeon has to do most of the things, while a second-call physician could already take a supervising role !"

The last term is, as you may notice, the same as sit back and relax.

PS. Many of my friends know that one of the wildest dream is to become the external examiner of the surgical final MB. That's another story.

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