But, the problem had not ended. The courtier didn't even know how to boil water.
Alas, we shouldn't worry for him. After all the ingredients were ready, the courtier turned himself to the Royal Kitchen in the palace, where he found the head chef.
"His Highness asks me to prepare some soup. I know you are engaged in another matter and are about to go. Would you mind me doing it here ?"
"Oh, of course not. You have all the stoves, ovens and other utensils at your service," and off the busy chef went.
A moment later, the senior assistant chef came and found the courtier in the Royal Kitchen.
"Sir, can I help you ?" He asked.
"Yes, of course, you have to," the courtier said, "I'm preparing a soup for our King, and your boss agreed to have the Royal Kitchen to take part. Please figure out how we are going to make it."
"Oh, what kind of soup do you need ?"
"I have no idea. Here are the ingredients that I have. Go work it out."
A few junior staff of the kitchen were summoned to join.
In the next hour or two, the courtier just sat there and appeared to observe with interest how everyone busy around for his soup.
Eventually, it was done.
The courtier briefly thanked everyone and asked them to retire to bed. Carefully he took the the pot out from the stove, and filtered the tasty solution through a sieve to remove all remaining vegetable and meat.
Now, he had a clear soup ready for His Highness.
Of course, he did not forget to put the stone in his pocket into the pot before he actually met the King.
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