Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Met L on my way home. He seemed absorbed in his own thoughts.

“Hey, man. What’s up?” I tapped on his shoulder.

“Oh, nothing. I was just going through the advertising pamphlets of our coming CE Election Committee Subsector Election," my friend said, "Boring as they seem, there is an amazing thing between the lines - or should I say between the pictures?"

"Eh...?" I made an inviting grunt.

"Since you are so fond of psychology, look, there is something which should be there but is not." L smiled.

“What’s missing?” I scratched my head literally.

“None of the candidate says which side they’re going to vote!” My friend explained, “Very simply, is it the pig or the wolf?"

"Isn't it the whole purpose of democracy to elect some wise people so that they could make the decision for us in important matters?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, this time is the rare exception." L explained, "The only job of this Election Committee is to vote for the new CE. In other words, it is quite useless to advocate how good looking they are, or what policy they are for or against. Most of us have our own preference for the new CE, and we want our representatives to vote for the one we like – as simple as that. If someone come out and say it openly he stands for the side that I prefer, I shall vote for him; it doesn’t really matter if he was the root cause of the SARS outbreak or being literate only in four-letter words!”

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