Wednesday, April 11, 2012


While I was working on that incident of sick leave, I received another memo from a lovely creature on Saturn.

Once again, I shall not tell you what that memo was about. I would rather show you the letter I wrote back to the King of Saturn - whose title, in our usual language, is the Director of Social Service.

Here you go:



I would like to draw your attention to the request for assistance of the above patient.

In essence, this patient had a previous stroke as well as other medical problems. She was assessed by my colleague in 2010 and permanent disability allowance was recommended. The undersigned received today a medical assessment form for urgent review. It specifically asked us to certify whether the patient is eligible for normal disability allowance. In view of her medical history, and, since this patients is already 88-year of age, I am very interested to know what employment on earth she would be suitable for.


Your obedient servant on an inferior blue planet

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