Friday, June 15, 2012


I was silent for a moment.

Finally, I said grimly, "You may be right. Nonetheless, I have very little mercy for your landlady. After all, not every wrongdoings were the decision of the dogs. Just think of what happened in that exceptionally long May!"

"Quite true," L nodded, "In fact I think she began to keep more dogs than ever to run her house since that horrible event. And, now, she sees the problem. The house is not out of the control because of the cats, but, rather, the dogs!"

"So, it brings us back to square one - it's all her problem." I was forced to conclude.

"To make the thing worse, she is half mad," my friend went on, "The old woman has the insight that she did something terribly wrong in that May, but she is also sufficiently paranoid and couldn't bear anyone talking about what happened. That's why dogs appear on the stage and now take charge of the house. Even if she wants to admit guilty, she doesn't know how it could be done with her being respected. All she could do is, therefore, to continue with the house of beasts."

We were both speechless.

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