Tuesday, June 19, 2012


During a casual discussion, Vivian asked, "Dear, would you fancy watching the TV series Scarlet Heart (步步驚心)?"

I supposed she was referring to my recent blog (see http://ccszeto.blogspot.hk/2012/04/scarlet.html), and I made a quick response, "No, thank you. If anything, I prefer going back to the good old Yongzheng Dynasty (雍正王朝). To say the least, the old series appears more real!"

"Yes, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it corresponds better to what actually happened," my wife was grim, "You know, history is written by the victors."

"My dear, that saying certainly has some truth in it," I smiled, "But, on the contrary, a good portion of our history was not written by winners, and it is more reliable than what you imagine."

My wife certainly could not believe her ears.

1 comment:

Vincent Wong said...

Whenever I think about that particularly long May, I cannot help wondering how many times in Chinese history the truth was never passed on.