Sunday, January 13, 2013


A recent piece of news that made my wife Vivian mad is the way how the Urban Renewal Authority used the media to press on the hardware shop owner in the Pine Street (杉樹街) and Oak Street (橡樹街) project at Tai Kok Tsui (大角咀).

I shall not elaborate on the story, or any hidden agenda behind each party - if there is any. Nonetheless, this little dirty drama brings my memory to a fiction that I seriously planned to write when I was a second year medical student.

Here you go:
There is a small house in the concrete jungle.

The Count of the Castle wants to acquire this, to him, dingy hut in order to build more apartments on that piece of land. He sends his messenger to visit the owner of their target.

A middle-aged man with dusky eyes answers the door.

"Sir, I represent the Count of the Castle," the well-mannered young messenger begins, "We want to buy your house."

(To be continued.)

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