Thursday, January 16, 2014


That evening, I met the endocrine professor again.

“You know, N declines both lines of action. He just wants to express his frustration and prefers to do nothing,” she said.

“Alas, how could that be?” I sighed, “But I suppose we can still go ahead and arrange these students to meet you in the OSCE? How about me as the other examiner? I am equally fair – if not more.”

“Szeto, that’s quite impossible.”


"Because we do not know who the students are!"

"I think it is not difficult to trace them back. Don't we know which group they come from? We can ask Priscilla." I said. Priscilla is our secretary responsible for the third-year students' matter.

"Yes and no. We can ask, but we cannot be sure. Since the tutorial that we are talking about is an extra session arranged by some supposedly enthusiastic students, they may not come from one group. In addition, I don't think we should meet that very student who did turn up for the tutorial!"

"You are right..." I sighed and shook my head. I'm afraid the only consequence of this little incident is few of our professors will ever agree to give any extra tutorial in the future.

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