Saturday, January 11, 2014


Watched The Wind Rises (風起了) with Vivian.

This is supposed to be the last movie to be produced by Miyazaki Hayao (宮崎駿), and my wife has great expectation. Since the two of us are well warned ahead that the story is far from a comedy, we did not bring our princesses along to the cinema.

You may probably know the plot is based on the life and time of Jiro Horikoshi (崛越二郎) – the chief engineer responsible for the design of the Zero Fighter. Alas, a genuine aircraft engineer is obviously less romantic than that appears in the movie, and the love story between Jiro and his wife is based on Tatsuo Hori’s (崛辰雄) novel Kaze Tachinu (風立ちぬ), and the name of Jiro’s wife, Naoko (菜穗子), comes from another novel of Tatsuo.

By coincidence, the two Hori studied at the University of Tokyo at the same time.

I must say I was slightly disappointed when we walked out of the theatre. Well, it is good – but far less impressive than Spirited Away (千與千尋) or Castle in the Sky (天空之城).

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