Saturday, January 25, 2014


K hesitates before knocking at the door.

Yes, he has every reason to feel uneasy. As the director of the National Museum of Modern Art, he could hardly be called successful. Although the Museum has an exhaustive collection of modern paintings and sculptures, they seem not to attract as many visitors as K wishes to see, and, you know, it is hell expensive to maintain all these artistic possessions – not to say you’ve got to acquire a few more every now and then to keep the Museum up-to-the-date. True, the government does give some support, but the Museum runs its own budget, and it is all up to K to report to the Ministry of Art and explain how and why the deficit is astronomical.

And it is for the problem of this imbalance sheet – or, as they like to put it, a structural deficit – K is summoned to the Ministry for a hearing.

“Things that may happen will happen,” K shakes his head and murmurs to himself before he knocks.

In no time, a charming voice inside the room answers, “Is that K? We are all waiting for you. Pray come in.”

The museum director turns the knob and decides to meet his fate.

(To be continued.)

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