Monday, January 27, 2014


For a moment, K thinks he must have misheard what Ms. O’Brien says.

“You mean… kids’ painting?”

“Yes. That's a brilliant idea. I think they are really artistic. After all, kids’ painting are a form of traditional art.” Mr. Charrington nods, "You know, many people love seeing this kind of drawing, which makes you feel good."

"Em... I still find it difficult to imagine a renowned museum to display the work of Picasso and Monet in one room but paintings of kids from kindergarten on another..."

"Mr. Director, let's face it, that's the only way you could expand," Ms. O’Brien says, "Your budget is limited, but you want to have more things to show to your visitors - or you want to appear to have more things. Who cares?"

"Madam, I'm not sure it is we who want to have more things to show - or is it you?" K suddenly finds himself courageous, "After all, should we artists decide what to display in a museum, or should you people from the Ministry of Harmony do so? In my opinion, if we do not have the money, we could keep our collection status quo and tell so to our visitors. It is the politicians who want us to expand without money - and take that as their achievements."

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