Wednesday, January 1, 2014


During a recent casual discussion, Vivian said with much admiration, “You know, the story of Ricky Wong is amazing. Just see how he comes back with a TV license. This undefeatable character is really the core value of Hong Kong!”

“Very true,” I smiled, “He does set a good example for our people. I must say I feel honored to be graduating from the same university as him.”

“So am I,” my wife nodded.

“In fact, I think it sounds a good idea if our university is going to give him a honorary doctor degree.”

“For what?”

“For his remarkable business skill. For his personal character. For setting a good example to all of us. From the public image point of view, this is really a good move.”

“Alas, you may be right, but what degree would you suggest? Honorary doctor of business administration?”

“Oh, don’t be silly,” I laughed, “The easiest option is no doubt a honorary doctor of social science. But, looking at how he finally gets the TV license, I suspect our Mr. Wong is good enough for a honorary doctor of political science!”

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