Friday, May 2, 2014


While I was reading Karen Armstrong’s book on my way home, a story that I heard many years ago (and I am being reminded of very recently) came through my mind.

One day, the god decides to give some thought on the value of human life, with the aim of improving this transient journey of ours on earth.

He asks a few representatives of human beings.

“Our life is too short, We should be able to live longer so that we can better prepare ourselves for heaven.” Abraham says.

“Why should we take so much time to raise our children? If babies are like ponies and could stand up and feed themselves once after birth, we would have more time to worship god.” Jacob says.

"We need more didactic guide to how we should lead a living." Moses says.

And the discussion goes on. Each and every prophet gives his opinion and suggestion.

At the end of the day, the god sighed, "What a waste of time. It's my fault. You are all living men. How do you know what to expect in heaven and how to prepare for it?"

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