Monday, May 19, 2014


While considering how much stress our students could handle, I met my friend KM and he asked me a question that I believe he did not expect an answer:

Why is the white coat party for our graduates cancelled?

Of course I do not know. Not only do I not know the reason, I didn't actually hear of the news before KM told me.

For those who are not familiar with our tradition, white coat party is a small celebration that the faculty holds every year shortly after the result of the final examination is announced. All students who pass the examination would attend with their white coats. A few star teachers - JW, PL, and so forth - would, traditionally, give brief talks on some pragmatic topics, such as professionalism, career planning, and management of personal finance. These are followed by wine and cheese and snacks and photos and whatever. If the graduation ceremony in December signifies the end of their university life, this party is a symbol of their becoming doctors.

Another classical example of taking away a negligible gain turns into a considerable (psychological) loss.

PS. I learn later from JW that a more formal white coat ceremony will be held instead of the traditional party. That sounds a good move - although our new graduates may see it differently.

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