Saturday, October 1, 2016


Reluctantly Hebe nodded.

"You are all for this idea, aren't you?" Athena asked.

"Yes. Of course. Certainly. Definitely. Absolutely... Oh, I mean, I should. After all, we do not age nowadays. Even though I was born a century ago, my body is as young as a 30-year-old. On one hand the society is not making the best use of our ability and experience if we are forced to retire at 60 or 65. Moreover, we nonagenarians would be bored to death if we have nothing to do!"

"In that case why are you puzzled?"

"Because if we refuse to retire and stay in our position, the future of our next generation is gloomy. Take our Queen Elizabeth as an example. She is doing so well that Prince Charles, her heir apparent, seems to have no chance of becoming the King. When the Prince was 30 years old, he had a high hope of taking over the crown one day. When he was 70, alas, he came to realize he was nothing but a piece of furniture sitting next to the Queen."

"I see your point. But, can't we work out a system so that people of all age could live in harmony?"

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