Tuesday, October 18, 2016


During a casual dinner conversation, I told my wife, "You know, I was late for dinner yesterday."

"Yes. What happened?"

"I was attending a talk that I had to be present for administrative reasons, and the speaker was absolutely remarkable. His lecture was supposed to be 20 minutes, but he prepared over 120 slides, which he took well over 40 minutes to finish."

"I suppose he just tried to be thorough?"

"He probably wanted to tell us all he knew about kidney disease - and I'm afraid even that wouldn't take 20 minutes. It was plain obvious that he has no practical experience in that subject, and he just copy-and-paste everything he could found in textbook and recent review articles to his PowerPoint slides."

By the way, I shouldn't really call that young man speaker - all he did was playing karaoke.

PS. Frequent visitors of this site would know I have a specific phobia to speakers who overrun. To me, wasting other people's time means wasting their life, and therefore a kind of miniature murder.

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