Monday, October 3, 2016


"There are several reasons," Athena explained, "First, the young people have nowadays the ever worsening difficulty to earn a living and secure a position in the society. With the advances in machines and technology, jobs that depends on physical strength are vanishing. The young people lose their edge over more senior colleagues. Obviously, neither could compete with a machine in this regard."

Hebe nodded, and her friend went on.

"On the other hand, exactly because of the advances in technology, the older people also lose their edge over younger ones. One hundred years ago, experience was valuable, and therefore senior people in many professions earned more. In those days, if a young person wanted to master a technique, he needed to be taught by an experienced person in that field. Nowadays, you can learn everything from the Internet and Youtube - and everyone could easily check whether the teaching by their senior is correct. The result is simple: Young people begin to look down upon older ones."

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